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Sunday, 24 November 2013

My finds since coming back from Aus

Well here we are back in NZ,bought another house and we are both back working hard,the aim is to hit the road again at some stage (when the bank account is back in the healthy stage).I left the Xterra back in Aussie,sold it to a friend,that was a real hard decision as they are in my mind, one of the best detectors ever made,but since buying the Etrac it was not getting used.
  I meet a few interesting detector users over there and picked up lots of tips for any future gold hunting trips,but in the mean time I have been getting back out at the Mt beaches and parks,as can be seen in the pics,a bit of silver and two white gold rings (the toe ring and the small wedding ring).
 The charm bracelett had me going for a bit,but unfortunately is junk.The halfcrown,penny's and old bullets came from an old park that is not very well known all the crusty coins came from a spot at the beach I stumbled across they kept me busy for about three hours.......may the summer be good to you all....  jim