We spend the Easter break at Whitianga camping with the company of my Daughter and Grandson from Aussie,when I arrived I couldn't help but notice the main beach (Buffalo Beach) was severally rough and the waves had gouged out a hollow in the beach frontage.Well I think I had the camper all set up within the hour and promptly headed to the beach,I found my first gold ring and two silvers along with about 60 odd coins of all denominations.For the next 4 days I went back on the low tides,although most of the finds came from the mid tide area.The two other gold rings came on day 4,they were a big buzz,but not as big as my next find in an area that I found a couple of older coins 1903 threepence and a penny and halfpenny all from the turn of the century,I got a 12:36 signal,thinking it was just another sinker,when I dug down shining back at me was this gold coloured coin,straight away I new it was not a $1 or $2 coin,when I picked it up then I knew it was a goodie,and would you believe the date .......1846......wow .I think I spent the next 10 -15 minutes sitting on a rock and just admired this unreal coin.Turns out it is a half sovereign and the condition in the photos is the way it came out of the sand,I can only assume it has been in the sand for the best part of 150 years.Sure feel for the poor beggar that lost it.I found a total of about 180 coins altogether,with $70 or so in spendable coins. By the time we left to come home the beach was returning to its normal mode,all the sand being washed back up to the high tide mark,but it sure was a great time while it lasted.