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Wednesday, 29 May 2013

The best treasure yet

Well it finally happened,our wee grandson arrived (7lb 6oz),what a little gem,sure has all the household on there toe's.Along with a few sleepless nights and blurly eye balls.But we are enjoying every moment of our time with him.
 I managed to get back to the local park and managed another good haul of Aussie $2 coins,they are very small and obviously get lost easy.They have come in handy for all the trips to the hospital for parking meters (70kms away).The bonus was the .925 silver ring but it is to damaged to ever be used again and only good for scrap now.

Monday, 20 May 2013

News from Aussie

We are living at a small WA town called Gingin,about 70km North of Perth,still waiting for number one grandchild to arrive,should be anyday now.I just had to call into a metal detecting shop here for a noisy,boy o boy do these guys have some gear available,most of it of course targets the serious gold hunter,and there is a lot of people doing that.GPX5000's are everywhere.The guy tried to sell me a new Deus,I must admit they are pretty remarkable with there wireless concept,and super light to handle,but of course they no good for the beach hunter that likes to wade in knee deep water,as the electrical pulse is broken by the water.
 The owner of the shop invited me to a detecting comp he and minelab were putting on,I turned up at 9.30am along with around 120 others,some were very experienced and around half were newbies,but we all had a great day (I managed to find two of the four hidden targets).But the best part was the raffles 3 tickets for $20 gave me a shot at three prizes of new detectors 1st was a CTX3030,2nd an XTERRA 705,3rd an XTERRA 305,all great prizes,would you believe I was one number off winning the CTX,,$#@%.Ah well,it was great to see all of the prizes went to new detectorists.Today I went to a very old park in town,athough I didn't find any ild coins I was expecting to get,I was more than happy with the results,the gold ring is a little cracker.

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

My last detect in NZ for a while

Hi all,we are back at the Mount for a few days,put the camper and ute into storage and heading off to Aussie for the arrival of our first grandchild (finally).And all going well we will stay there for the winter and do some fruit picking or what ever comes along.Or may buy a GPX and go bush (haha).
  I had a few spare hours so headed to the beach on the low tide,I tried a new technique,just marked out an area of sand and concentrated on that area but super slowly,the results were interesting the first signal was a 12-17,normally I would not dig this as it would be a teartab.But surprise surprise a nice 9kt mans ring,The nice silver ring rang up 12-42,unfortunatly the stones are glass but still a nice ring.
   Hopefully my next post will include some AU $ and with a bit of luck some gold to bring home.

Saturday, 4 May 2013

Some nice silver coins

We stayed at Waihi for a night,lots of old houses here  with untouched back yards,just itching to be detected on.I spent a bit of time at an old park an came up with the old silver coins and a few pennys,strange thing is that the pennys don't match the years of the silver coins,I suspect there may have been a fair here in the early days,the ground has been turned over at some stage and all the coins were well spread out,I initially thought the ring was a goodie but a quick clean changed that,all the silver coins cleaned up real well as can be seen.