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Saturday, 4 May 2013

Some nice silver coins

We stayed at Waihi for a night,lots of old houses here  with untouched back yards,just itching to be detected on.I spent a bit of time at an old park an came up with the old silver coins and a few pennys,strange thing is that the pennys don't match the years of the silver coins,I suspect there may have been a fair here in the early days,the ground has been turned over at some stage and all the coins were well spread out,I initially thought the ring was a goodie but a quick clean changed that,all the silver coins cleaned up real well as can be seen.



  1. Gee those silvers are really crisp.

  2. Another good day for you Jim :)

  3. Know what you mean about Waihi, I've drooled a few times when driving through. Nice silvers esp the English ones!

  4. Yip they all cleaned up pretty good,and I managed not to damage any this time....hehe

  5. My Dad lived in Waihi... I got to detect the park twice before he moved away.. found my first Victorian penny there. Dad recons there is a local that he used to see detecting the park, but I was finding things pretty easily. Didnt have the etrac then, would be neat to try it again.

  6. All of these coins are looking fantastic thanks for the sharing.
