Howdy all,I have been getting out a bit over here and getting a few dollars in return,although the picture looks pretty impressive it took a lot of work to get that amount of coins,I probably visited 8 different parks and tot lots,the majority of them I have clearly been beaten to,but there is a few around that are harder to see from the road and they can be pretty rewarding.
The problem of course is the massive distances to get anywhere,not like home were its only 5 minutes to the beach,here its around an hours drive then its a matter of finding an area that will produce as the coast just goes on for ever.But its a great way to see the sights.
The older coins I have been picking up around town,nothing real old yet which suprises me as this area was settled way back in 1838,I just need to do a bit more homework on the older sights etc,instead of going to the pub... haha.
yep they no about distance over there all right... still with all the retires in motorhomes you would have thought everything would be clean... but obviously not.. good to see