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Monday, 8 August 2011

And still the beach produces

The items in the pic are the result of two trips to the beach,the first trip I was surrounded by ankle biters (6 of them)."What are you doing mr"....."whats that for"....but it was all good they were well behaved,even if I was relieved when mum turned up.The second trip was out from the surf club,although I have been over this area at least 4 times it keeps producing,just like an eftpos machine (haha).OH by the way I found a use for those rusty coins....parking meters....but you didnt hear that from me


  1. The kids love to follow you around... the problem is any money I dig up is automatically what they "just lost".... and I use my dodgy coins in the snack machine at work...

  2. A great hot spot you have found there Jim. Will keep producing for sure. Perhaps you should edit that post though before too many pirates cotton on to it.LOL Have you buffed those goldies or are they popping up that clean?

    I wonder what else dodgy coins are being used for. Pokies maybe.
